Get to Know Me
Hi, I’m Alexa. Welcome to Underway Lifestyle!
I’m a wife and a momma to two. I thrive on simplicity. Growing up in an art-inspired home cultivated in me an immense love of life and I infuse that into my home and wherever possible. I’m a follower of Christ, whose way I believe brings the most joy and the most peace. I falter and fail, but I know through Him I’m made whole. I love to cook and I love food – in my eyes, the more authentic, the better. I live for weekends of board games, family, and fun projects and feel most like myself when I’m creating.
My Mottos:
The best way to learn anything about the world is by fully experiencing it.
Try everything at least once. Especially food.
Live generously, humbly and faithfully – you’ll live a life without regret.
God first, family second. Everything else can wait.
Behind the Name
Alexa Underway started as I exited high school, wanting to share my experiences serving a church mission in Florida. I’d lived a pretty standard, uneventful life and this mission was the first thing I really pursued on my own. I felt like, in some sense, my life was finally taking off and I was underway.
I came back and lived a lot of life. I bought a car and registered for college. I met a boy, fell in love, and married him. We spent weekends doing house projects and vision board compiling. We bought a condo, we started a business, we went to beautiful places and had the most incredible experiences. We had a beautiful blue-eyed baby who became our whole world, and then a second who expanded our world ever more. We bought a fixer-upper and learned about all sorts of things the hard way.
One day I was sitting there and found myself filtering through memories and experiences. I noticed I was half-writing blog posts in my head about all sorts of things I was learning and doing and so I decided to give it a shot here on this little piece of the internet.
I’m so glad you’re following along.